Main Task

Bauer Research Media 21/04/15

“How important is technological convergence for institutions and audience within a media area which you have studied?”

Personally I think that technology needs to be used by institutions in order to target specific audiences and get wider audiences using the digital technology therefore making them profit as they expand.

Convergence is the interlocking of computing and information technology companies, telecommunication networks and content providers from the publishing worlds of newspaper, magazines, music, radio, television, films, and entertainment software. Media convergence brings together the “three C’s” (computing, communications and content.) Bauer is an example of a convergent company due to it owning many platforms that supply information and entertainment using a variety of to platforms to engage a wide audience. The importance of convergence is becoming more prevalent to institutions because people want to be able to access media through all different types of platforms depending on what is easiest for each person. With the option of different platforms it allows people to have the choice and they will continue using that media institution if it is able to suit their personal needs. People today, have become ‘prosumers’ of many media products; they are proactive consumers and know what they want from different media institutions in order to help and improve their use of media products.

Bauer is a global institution which approx. reaches over 22 million UK adults every week. Bauer Media belongs to a conglomerate; it is one of the 4 main publishers in the world. The institution has 11,000 employees spread across 17 different countries, which provide media for audiences.  This institution uses digital media in order to be able to reach a wider span and variety of people and is becoming increasingly popular with more and more companies joining the institution. The main focus of this institution is radio and magazine production for a 15+ target audience. Bauer Media is built on “influential media brands having millions of relationships with engaged readers of the magazines and listeners of the radio”. The strategy is to connect to a wide audience with outstanding interesting content through there broad multi-touch brand platforms. The Bauer magazine section is made up of 53 brands which have a selling ability of over 217 million copies per year. The radio section of Bauer is focussed on 4 main brands which include Magic, KISS, Absolute Radio and Bauer City Network which is able to reach over 17 million listeners. Kerrang is one of the brands included in the Bauer institution.     


The Music and Fashion Magazine Industry     29/01/16

Music Magazine Planning 23/04/16

Flat plan of Cover, Contents page and Double page spread.  23/04/16

By drawing a cover, contents and double page spread it has gave me an idea of how I want my magazine to look and what I want it too include by the time I make the final piece. I was able to see a visual layout of how I want it too look and take this idea to make my final magazine.

Front Cover:

Inspiration for my Contents Page:

Contents Page: 

Double Page Spread: 

Magazine Article Draft:

This week we have managed to get you all an inside exclusive about the new fascinating band “The HYPE” giving you the answers you've been waiting for to all your questions from the online questionnaire.

Hey girls! It’s so nice to finally have the time to speak to you and for our readers to get to know you a bit better through their own burning questions…

Q1- How long did you know each other before becoming a band?

  Well, we knew each other for 11 years due to us all going to the same primary and secondary school. We were close through school and remained best of friends when we had finished our A-levels.

Q2- What made you decide to want to make a band?
  Every day we would go to one of our houses and sing together we never really thought much of it but then our family’s started to realise how good we did sound together. Due to this, we started doing small pub gigs every weekend and did start to build up a fan base. It was good support and did make us feel more confident about who we were.

Q3- How were you all discovered as a band?
 Firstly, our family influenced us to do the pub gigs because of this people started to record us at our best and posting it online. Before we knew it our pictures and videos were spreading viral on most social media websites. All this support and recognition helped us make the decision of creating a YouTube channel. Our YouTube channel had a massive fan base and from this we got scouted by a music manager who is to this day our manager and we are grateful for all the luck we have had making it into the industry.   

Q4- How do you now feel knowing that you’re famous?
   I don’t think it has actually clicked to any of us that we are now being viewed in the public eye. Were so thankful for the support that has got us to the place we are today. I understand that it is cliché to say we wouldn't be here without our “Hypers” but we really wouldn't and we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you! J

Q5- We have heard that your first single “Dedication” will be released sometime soon? What can you tell us about that?
   We don’t want to give away much but we have all agreed that our songs have to have some sort of meaning behind them. With this song, our main message is for our fans to understand how much it takes to finally be recognised by the music industry and the normal lifestyle we gave up to live our dream every day.

Q6- One of your fans really wanted to know if you had to describe yourself in a couple of words what it would be?

Sinead- I would say I am “The bossy one”. When I have an idea I will not be happy until everyone has heard it and my point has been put across.

Trisha- I am the “Not so serious one” I think in every band there needs to be a joker that’s me!

Isabelle- Personally I would say I am “outfit obsessed” I think image and clothing is really important and I like to spread my thoughts with the girls daily.

Q7- What has been your biggest challenge as a band?
 The biggest challenge we have faced is actually doing these sorts of interviews believe it or not. When we first got signed for a record deal we had large amounts of publicity and requests for interviews. We felt a lot of pressure between us to be liked and please everyone but we have grown to know that we are not going to fit everyone’s preferences and we will keep going strong for our fans.  

Q8- Finishing our interview with you lovely bunch, are you going to be touring any time soon to expand on your fan base?
  We would love to have the opportunity to go on tour I really think it would benefit us and it would be an amazing experience for us all. We want to show the world who we are and what our music is about so when the opportunity does come yes we will be taking it for sure. 

Photoshoot Ideas:

Music Magazine Questionnaire Analysis:

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